Employment Opportunities


Job Description

Job Details - IASA Job Bank

To apply, please submit the following:

  • Letter of Interest

  • Current Resume

  • ELIS Credentials

  • Copies of Transcripts

  • (3) Letters of Recommendation

This information should be sent to:

Ms. Irene Las
Administrative Assistant, Rockdale SD 84

Should you have any questions please contact Ms. Las at 1-815-725-5321 x249.

Social Worker

Job Description

Job Details - IASA Job Bank

To apply, please submit the following:

  • Letter of Interest

  • Current Resume

  • ELIS Credentials

  • Copies of Transcripts

  • (3) Letters of Recommendation

This information should be sent to:

Ms. Irene Las
Administrative Assistant, Rockdale SD 84

Should you have any questions please contact Ms. Las at 1-815-725-5321 x249.

Substitute Nurses

Applicants must have a current Illinois RN License.

To apply, please submit copies of the following:

  • Cover Letter

  • Current Resume

  • Transcripts

  • Copy of your current RN license

  • Letters of Recommendation

This information should be sent to:

Ms. Irene Las
Administrative Assistant
Rockdale SD 84
715 Meadow Avenue
Rockdale, IL 60436

Should you have any questions please contact Ms. Las at 1-815-725-5321 x249.

Substitute Teachers

If interested in substituting at Rockdale School, send an email with your preferences along with an attached resume to Irene Las at ilas@rockdale84.org or contact her directly at 1-815-725-5321 x249.

More information here: http://www.illinoiseducationjobbank.org

(Select Will County and search keyword Rockdale)